It's Yer Choice or Zen Hand Game
2021-03-15 20:04 It's Yer Choice or Zen Hand is one of my favorite ways to teach stillness and duration to a dog for fitness behaviors. You are essentially rewarding the dog for not moving towards a treat in your ...
Static Positions - What's the Big Deal?
2020-06-17 15:30 One of the first exercises we work on in my classes is holding a static position (stand, sit, down).   That seems too easy, right? Of course a dog could do that! Maybe they can and maybe they can...
Puppy Fitness - Where to Start!
2020-06-07 15:28 Do you have a new puppy? Are you wondering what kind of fitness work is appropriate for them?    ⭐️ My fitness plan for puppies is very similar to what I would teach any dog new to fitness. You can&...