Do you have a new puppy? Are you wondering what kind of fitness work is appropriate for them? 


⭐️ My fitness plan for puppies is very similar to what I would teach any dog new to fitness. You can't underestimate good solid foundations! Bonus is that these fitness foundations are things you'll want to teach your sport prospect anyway. If you don't have a sport dog, these are still great things for your pet dog to know as there are so many benefits to introducing your puppy to fitness work: Confidence building, body awareness, mental/physical enrichment and exercise, helping your puppy learn how to learn, strengthening your bond and many more.


⭐️ If you lay down a solid foundation first, you'll be miles ahead when the puppy's body is ready to begin a formal fitness plan. So, in no particular order, here are some of the most important things to teach your puppy to give them that solid foundation for fitness training:
✅ Positions (stand, sit, down)
✅ Zen hand/IYC
✅ Duration/stillness
✅ Targeting (Hand, chin, front feet, rear feet)
✅ How to follow a lure
✅ Back Up
✅ Turn Circles
✅ Pivot
✅ Side Step
✅ Interacting with/walking over low, safe balance equipment
✅ Send around a cone
✅ Go to Place
✅ Location Specific Marker Cues


In the coming weeks, I'll talk a bit more about these. Happy Training!