There are some flashy tricks promoted as fitness exercises and sure some dogs may be able to do them, but should they? I believe there are a few points to consider before asking your dog to engage in any exercise.
✅ Is my dog in good enough shape to do said exercise and can my dog maintain proper form? If you’re just starting your fitness journey, don’t push it because something looks cool. Slow and steady wins the race.
✅ Is the exercise functional? Meaning does it serve any purpose or translate into any other kind of movement that helps the dog function.
✅ Does the person promoting the exercise have the proper credentials to give advice on the safety of said exercise? A lot of people throw around recommendations without digging in to truly understand the body mechanics an exercise requires.
✅ Use common sense and trust your gut. If you have doubts, don’t do it. Your dog’s well-being and long-term functionality are your responsibility.